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Created for Troika Community Jam: Bestiary 2024

Ursus Haberdasherus 

Skill:  8
Stamina: 18
Initiative: 3
Armour: 0
Damage as Large Beast or Hat Snatch (target may test their luck or have their hat snatched)

Equal parts ferocious and foppish, the “Hat Bear” never emerges from its den without a proper headpiece. Hats fuse to the Bear’s bald scalp, drastically altering its demeanor and behavior to suit the style, occasionally granting it the ability to speak, though not eloquently. They can be found roaming Troika’s chic districts searching for bespoke pieces to add to their collections, which fill their otherwise mundane dens. 


If the hat is removed from the Ursus Haberdasherus, immediately add 2d6 enemy initiative tokens to the stack. It can now make two moves and two attacks each turn it acts. At the end of the round it runs away extremely embarrassed. 


  1. Party hat - crying, miserable, defensive 
  2. Balaclava - sneaking, shivering, secretive
  3. Bicorne - posturing, self-important, aggressive 
  4. Deerstalker - investigating, intoxicated, curious
  5. Mitre - proselytizing, contemplative, judgmental
  6. Stetson - wrangling, stoic, watchful

Updated 6 days ago
Published 8 days ago
CategoryPhysical game
AuthorMatt Umland
GenreRole Playing
Tagsbear, bear-with-a-hat, beast, science-fantasy, Troika


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Ursus Haberdasherus.pdf 741 kB


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Love the hat determining mien; such a neat shorthand for several possible miens. 

Also love the "hat snatch" ability; I will definitely be using that against any wizards in the player party...


Thanks! It was hard to choose only 6 hats. There are so many fun options.